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Relax, Reset, Restore. With SMARTROLLER®!

Stacy Barrows, PT, DPT, GCFP, NCPT - May 8, 2024

“The SMARTROLLER challenges the whole nervous system in a safer way than traditional foam rollers.”
- Dr. Carol M. Davis, PT, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA

By Stacy Barrows, PT, DPT, GCFP, NCPT

As physical therapists, we are always looking for innovative non-pharmacological approaches to pain management. We actively seek out therapeutic self-care tools that can help clients calm their nervous system; the right foam roller can be the ideal tool.

Although a great option for some uses, a traditional cylindrical-shaped foam roller may be too hard or far off the ground making them too intense for those that experience pain. That’s where the SMARTROLLER comes in. This unique ‘two-in-one’ foam roller features a rounder side that increases foam roller movement, and a flatter side that decreases movement. The shape was sculpted to support the biotensegrity of the human body and allow for innovative uses and applications.


The comfortable curve offered from both sides of the SMARTROLLER supports the structure of the back and allows users to rest on the foam roller longer, breathe with more freedom, and engage more deeply (without causing more pain).


The increased comfort of lying on the SMARTROLLER encourages users to tune into subtle interoceptive cues and find alternatives to painful, habitual movement patterns. Diminished signals from over-active pain responses can then clear the way for more efficient movement possibilities.


The unique shape of the SMARTROLLER also allows patients to explore self-soothing by gently rocking back-and-forth, much like rocking a baby in a cradle. Slow, rhythmic rocking can soften bound up tension, increase range of comfortable motion, and can help calm the nervous system.

The relax, reset, restore approach can help patients:

· Breathe more easily

· Rest comfortably for imagery-based learning

· Move with less restrictions by increasing skill, not will

· Prime their body and mind for a restful sleep

· Return to activities they enjoy

If you, like most physical therapists, are looking for a tool to help clients manage chronic pain, the SMARTROLLER can empower them by gently supporting embodied self-education and safer, open movement exploration, which is the gateway to acquiring higher functional skills—every therapist’s ideal outcome

“Just lying on the SMARTROLLER relaxes my body, in addition to helping my back, neck and jaw muscles to relax and stay pain free. I’ve had multiple injuries and chronic pain from a biking accident, and this is one of the best ways I reset each day.”
- Susan Dopart, MS, RD

Dr. Stacy Barrows, PT, DPT, GCFP, NCPT, developed the SMARTROLLER through the influences of her somatic education (Feldenkrais Method®), biotensegrity, motivational interviewing, and her physical therapy understanding of fascial and bioplastic sciences.


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Stacy Barrows, PT, DPT, GCFP, NCPT

A Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner, a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, and a registered Physical Therapist, Stacy is the owner of Smart Somatic Solutions Physical Therapy, Inc., a Los Angeles-based PT clinic.

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